Friday, July 2, 2010

Week 1

Hey, I'm really excited about the responses I've received on this summer reading project. There are quite a number of people following through with the readings. Excellant. Sorry if you have tried to follow on the blog and can't comment. I'm no expert in these things and don't know what the problem is. You can email me, like Olaf Marcus did. He wanted to comment on the Van Egmond comment on the blog. Here it is.

Wanted to answer the Vanegmond note . . . By telling them that they can
find the geographical place of the tree of life right around their diningroom
table , When they read their Bibles.

That may well be the best answer since attempts to determine Eden's geographic location are pretty unsuccessful. The description of Eden in 2:10-13 seems pretty detailed, but we just don't know the rivers that are called Pishon and Gihon. We do know about the Tigris and Euphrates, and assuming that they were downstream from the river that flowed through Eden (see vs.10) a best guess might be that Eden was in northern Mesopotamia or Armenia.

I hope you enjoyed reading the creation accounts again. I did. Putting aside all the controversey about "creation-science" (which I don't think Genesis 1&2 are at all about) I found it inspiring and worshipful. I liked that experience.

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