Monday, July 18, 2011

Little things

Wow. Those names are challenging-especially when you read them out loud as we did around the supper table. But beyond the names we were intrigued by the details, the little episodes interspersed among all the dividing of land. We wondered why the story of Caleb's daughter making her special request for land was in there. Was it just special provision, or sly dealings, or family competition? I don't know. I imagine there was plenty of competition and jealousy - and greed I suppose. What interesting detail have you noticed?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Military musings

I am so intrigued by how closely the conquest of Israel is connected to God even while there is the gritty narrative of Israel's battles. So when Joshua defeats the five kings of the south I'm sure he did a fine piece of military strategy - and were we to give the history account probably would have detailed more of it. But the biblical accounts turn around and says "oh and God caused it to hail so bad the hail storm actually killed more men than the Israelite soldiers." God wins! Some hailstones those were!! Oh, and earlier when the Gibeonites tell their ruse the narrator mentions that the Israelites asked all the right questions - "but didn't inquire of the Lord." In other words, they were really turning into a crafty military machine compared to when they started out in Jericho - but that just isn't the point. Their connectedness to God was the point.

What impressions or insights have you had this week? Respond to this post or email me. I'd love to hear.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Are We There Yet

I love the title of this new series. The creative team came up with it as I explained to them my vision for these messages. "Are We There Yet?" describes what the Israelites may have felt - and what we feel as we envision and live the life of faith. I find myself impatient with my own faith and so easily discouraged.

As we read these books (Joshua through 2 Samuel) discover something of the nature of faith when it meets the harsh realities of life. I hope you can then share them in this blog.

The reading schedule shouldn't be too bad this summer. Hint: week 5 is really light and should allow you to catch up or read ahead. Enjoy the summer reading!